Category Archives: Model

An interview in ‘INTERVIEWING ART’

Apparently I forgot to share this at the time. I answered some questions for the webzine ‘INTERVIEWING ART‘ in May 2022.

‘Chatting with the multi-platform model – Rebecca Tun’

I’ll copy and paste the text here, for posterity. 🙂

How did you first get started in modelling?

I started doing some life modelling while I was at university. I’d noticed an ad in an art shop window looking for life models, and I thought, “Hey, I could do that!”.

What came first, life or photo modelling? Do you remember what your first session was like, and how did you feel?

I wasn’t at all nervous about the nudity; I was excited about the pictures. I remember the artists complimenting me on my poses about how still I was and that I’d chosen complex, dynamic positions.

How/When did OnlyFans and Patreon come about?

I started Patreon and OnlyFans in 2018, having been aware of them for a year or so, I decided to take the plunge and explore a new avenue. I’ve always enjoyed the curation and presentation side of online work, so I was excited to cultivate a special place to showcase my work. When I met my partner in 2019, we started a couples account, Pelegia with a Hard G. It felt like such a natural thing to do as we were producing spontaneous homemade adult content that just seemed too beautiful not to share somewhere. OnlyFans was the obvious place to do this, a space where I already felt safe to experiment and explore my individuality in front of a niche audience.

…and would you recommend either to other models and why?

I would recommend models have a presence on one or both. Firstly there’s the extra income. Secondly, it’s a way to share content that you can’t or choose not to share on social media, and this privacy allows you the freedom to experiment. Unfortunately, I can’t advise how to make the big bucks – that takes a specific skill set that I don’t have.

If you were only to be captured in one medium (painted, drawn, photographed), which one would it be and why?

Photography as that’s the most versatile and allows me the most creativity, input and productivity. I enjoy being painted and drawn, but my input in that medium is smaller.

What is the best part of modelling?

My favourite part of modelling is the pictures. I love the visual arts; taking part in the process of creating images with other people – it nourishes my soul.

…and the worst?

The aspect of my job that I find the most difficult is admin. I have a phobia of messages, so this is the biggest thing I have to overcome.

Can you tell me the most challenging pose you have had to hold?

I posed for my Mum, the sculptor Anna Weightman. It’s a reclining pose, where I’m propped up on my elbows as though reading a book or gazing into a pool, and there’s a big twist in my middle. It’s not a very realistic pose, but the rear curves look great. I held that pose for hours over multiple sessions. In hindsight, we should have made it more realistic and less painful (elbows apart and hands together would have helped and a knee forward for balance).

…and the easiest?

None of my poses stays easy for long, but being seated with my legs apart is pretty comfortable.

How has the COVID pandemic affected your modelling, and how have you overcome it?

Modelling work dried up completely during the lockdowns, and unfortunately, I never managed to get into remote modelling, even though I wanted to, because I lacked the space. Fortunately, my partner is a photographer, and we were creating content for our fan sites. The pandemic was a time when many creatives turned to OnlyFans and similar sites as a source of income.

When you are not modelling, what do you like to get up to?

I enjoy photography myself and image editing. I’m also into fashion, and I also save money by shopping second-hand. Right now, I’m busily databasing all of my garments in an app, and it’s going to take a while!

Thank you for giving us an insight into your life; what’s in store for the future?

My dream is to own a studio space one day, a place where I and other creatives can fulfil our visions. I would use it for many things – shoots, workshops, remote shoots, producing my own content, maybe even life drawing.

If one of your friends wanted to start life modelling, what advice would you give them to avoid beginner mistakes?

I’d put them in touch with someone I know who runs a class, or, if they didn’t live near any of those people, I’d recommend they join RAM. During life modelling, I think the most important thing is to pick poses that you can hold with minimal discomfort, but this takes practice, and discomfort is inevitable, so don’t be too shy to stop for a stretch. The artists will completely understand.

I’ve hatched

Trauma, depression, narcissism and growing up

I was a precocious child, but I’ve been slow to bloom as an adult.

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‘Representing’ – an interview in ‘Modelographers’

Here’s my interview with Modelographers blogger Zach 😊

The Modelographers

Rebecca Tun went from philosophy and linguistics to nude modeling

University drove photographer and model Rebecca Tun “batshit miserable.”

“While I was at university, I saw an ad in an art shop window calling for life models. I thought ‘Hey, I could do that!’ I was 19. I remember that night doing a backbend in my bedroom and enjoying how graceful I felt making a new shape.”

Tun studied philosophy and linguistics at Cambridge. At first, nude modeling was something Tun dabbled in to escape academia. Now she sees a more prescient connection between her initial studies and what’s become the primary focus, her art.

“My trajectory from philosophy and linguistics to nude modelling seemed like a jump but as I mature, they seem more and more connected,” Tun says in an email interview. “It’s just that I’ve gone from obsessing over sentences, statements and propositions to obsessing over pictures…

View original post 1,103 more words

September Spirit

So…earlier today I was just fiddling around with some apps while looking for a way to censor the nipples in a photo for social media, and ended up doing something completely different.

The original image was this:

I just couldn’t seem to find a single satisfactory way to censor the nipples, but I followed my instincts down a different route. On one smartphone, I restructured the image in MirrorLab and spruced it up a little in Snapseed, then on another smartphone (which I only use for editing) I painted and styled it in iColorama, and lastly on the computer I retouched it and repainted the facial features in Photoshop.

I’m glad I give myself space for spontaneous productivity, because sometimes the urge takes hold of me (in fact it is often born of frustration) and I follow it down a rapid, entirely novel stream.

I didn’t have a plan at all for the end result, but at some point I caught distinct Art Nouveau vibes and took it in that direction. What do you think?

You could buy this picture on a print or some other fun objects on my Redbubble.

See more of my digital dabblings including nudes and erotics on my Patreon.

An evil flower of nothingness

“Beauty is a precarious trace that eternity causes to appear to us and that it takes away from us. A manifestation of eternity, and a sign of death as well. Often it seems to me to be an evil flower of nothingness, or else the cry of the world as it dies, or a desperate, sumptuous prayer.” – Eugene Ionesco

“The beauty of the world which is so soon to perish, has two edges, one of laughter, one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder.” – Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own

I learned a lot editing these photos. Creating a matching set of images isn’t easy, and it’s a particularly interesting challenge when the photos are like these. They’re warm yet cold, crisp yet dreamy, pallid and wintery but with hot flushes…and they contain forbidden heavenly artefacts such as lens flare and dramatically blown out highlights. Is it winter or spring? Their strangeness meant they had that ‘wow’ factor straight out of camera. But upon editing, the complex tangle of contrasts had to be teased apart step by step in more ways than weren’t immediately obvious. I definitely had to come back to them at different stages; I would revisit an image I’d ‘finished’ before and think “what on earth was I thinking?”

With photography we attempt to make beauty static…

But beauty itself is a memento mori…

The eyes of the heart do not have eyelids…

Photos by Gerard Chillcott, styled and edited by me – January 2021.

This isn’t all! You will be eventually able to see rest of this set on my Patreon, including up to erotic nudes, over the coming weeks.

the magic of Autumn

Here are some images from one occasion in November when Gerard and I ventured into the woods to explore the mysterious magic of autumn.

For me autumn has a power like that of spring – a painful magic that awakens memories of previous cycles in a way that only reality (as opposed to imagination) can. Unlike summer and winter which invite me to forget, autumn and spring invite me to remember. These images convey many different feelings, as I try to hold onto life before the plunge into winter…


By the way, these images are available to buy as prints, postcards and some other slightly silly things from Redbubble. Just follow the link in each image caption. Or check out the collection here. 🙂

‘By / Product’ art nude book by Mike Nicoll

New art book alert!

Do you collect art books?

I’m on lots of pages in Mike Nicoll’s new book ‘By / Product‘.  How many times can you spot me? I’m honoured to be depicted there alongside many fantastically expressive models photographed in Mike’s characteristically dramatic style with motion blur creating sensuous, ephemeral dark moods.

Simbiosa – fine art nude books by Thomas Bichler

If you’re an avid collector of art nude books you should definitely have one of Thomas Bichler’s books in your collection. He’s one of the best landscape nude photographers in Europe and I have the immense honour of being in some of his publications. We worked together for a few days in 2015 in the epic Elbsandstein mountains in Saxony and achieved some magnificent images with me poised precariously over precipices.

Stiegenland - Nude art in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains
Stiegenland – Nude art in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains

Here are some pages from Simbiosa 1 Alpine Nude Art: “A collection of more than 100 large-sized black and white nude art photos in combination with unspoiled alpine and subalpine landscape. A journey to amazing spots in Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Germany with some of the most beautiful art nude models of the world.”

“Is something sacred? Yes, say I with Nietzsche. I could not pray to it, but I can stand in affirmation of its magnificence. This world is sacred.” ― Daniel C. Dennett

You can also buy Thomas’s work as prints and posters. Check them out on his website.

Thomas Bichler 2015

fairy queen

The sun is just setting…

I’m modelling two fairy crowns assembled spontaneously by me and my sister Dezzy B last week from materials I collected in preparation for that time I didn’t get married in 2019. Check out Dezzy’s other creations on Etsy

This grumpy fairy of the glade is working on her most unimpressed look for when she eventually becomes crowned king of the woods. The day she finds out that’s never actually going to happen, ‘unimpressed’ will seem like a picnic in the park…

She’s the sun’s captive. She captures the sun’s light in her robes by day, and so he keeps her warm by night. She is in his orbit and he is glowing under her skin.

Fairy queen’s bridesmaid…

How can I love when I’m afraid to fall?

One step closer…

Time stands still
I will be brave

Time has brought your heart to me, and time will take it away…

portrait by Henry Driftwood

by Henry Driftwood | 2020

I love this drawing by Henry Driftwood. The character in the face looks mature and soulful, and maybe Hispanic. And I love the little details such as the lines giving structure to the pouty lips.