Monthly Archives: February 2019

…academics, acquaintances, activists, actors…

Looking through some of my old twitter threads and having been struck by a whim, I think I shall turn one of them into a blog post to enjoy it all over again.

Here’s one from the beginning of 2017 when I was getting more into Twitter and revelling in the variety (I like mixed herbs) of the people I found there, and was inspired to alliteration (always a sign of stimulation) in the form of this celebratory ode. It appears that I never quite finished it because the last few letters of the alphabet eluded me. Perhaps rolling it out again will breath new life into it.

As a suggestion, feel free to read this in a hollow, metallic, rhythmic chant with a southern US twang, like a solemn call to arms.

Perhaps you will see yourself represented in the list.

The muse strikes – I’m going to do a thread: alliteratively celebrating the weird beautiful diversity of the humans I follow on Twitter. 

…academics, acquaintances, activists, actors, adversaries, allies, alt-rights, anarchists, animators, antifeminists, artists…

..badass beauties, babes, bands, biographers, biologists, bitches, blockers, boffins, bots, brands, businesses, busybodies… girls, campaigners, capitalists, cartoonists, coders, comedians, conservatives, creatives, critics, crossdressers…

…cam girls, calligraphers, collectors, columnists, commentators, companions, connoisseurs, courtesans, craftsmen, criminals…

…dancers, dank memes, daydreamers, debaters, debunkers, defenders, depressives, designers, developers, directors, dominatrices, doodlers…

…eccentrics, economists, eco-warriors, educators, eggs, egomaniacs, emos, empaths, encouragers, enbies, entertainers, enthusiasts…

…ENTPs, entrepreneurs, environmentalists, escorts, essayists, ethnologists, ethologists, exhibitionists, ex-muslims, extraverts…

…facepainters, faeries, family, fans, fashionistas, fathers, feminists, feminizers, femmes fatales, festivalgoers, fetishists…

…fictional characters, filmmakers, findoms, flirters, forest-dwellers, freelancers, free-speech advocates, free spirits, friends…

…galleries, game developers, gamers, gays, geeks, geniuses, gifmakers, glamour girls, goddesses, goths, greenies, gurls, gynophiles…

…hackers, hairstylists, healers, heathens, hedonists, heterodoxists, hipsters, historians, hobbits, hookers, housewives, humanists…

…iconoclasts, idealists, idols, illustrators, infidels, innovators, instagrammers, intersectionalists, interviewers, INTPs, introverts…

…Jedi knights, Jesus, jetsetters, jewellery makers, jezebels, jibers, jokers, journalists, joyriders, judgers, Jungians, justice warriors…

…Kath and Kim fans, kibitzers, kids, killjoys, kin, kinksters, kittens, knights, knockouts, knowledge-seekers, kooks, kvetches…

…lads, LARPies, leets, lesbians, LGBTQ, liberals, libertarians, libertines, librarians, linguists, logicians, loners, lunatics, lurkers…

…Machiavellians, MAGAs, makeup artists, maniacs, married couples, medievalists, mememakers, meritocrats, metalhead, MRAs, middle-aged men…

…millennials, mistresses, models, mothers, museums, muses, muse-seekers, musicians, mystics…

…narrators, naturists, nerds, neocons, neuroscientists, newbies, night owls, nihilists, nomads, nonprofits, novelists, nudists, nutters…

…observers, obsessives, offensive memes, oglers, online oligarchs, open-sourcers, opportunists, optimists, orators, outlaws, outsiders…

…painters, pansexuals, parodies, pedants, pedos, Pepes, performers, ppl w/ problem personalities, perverts, pessimists, philosophers…

…phonologists, photographers, physicists, poets, pornstars, princesses, procrastinators, professors, provocateurs, psychologists, pundits…

…queans, queens, queers, questioners, quibblers, quippers, Quixotes, quizzes, quotes…

…raconteurs, radicals, radio hosts, ramblers, people called Ranendranath, ranters, rationalists, reactionaries, rebels, reformers, reporters…

…remixers, retouchers, researchers, restorers, reviewers, revolutionaries, riggers, right-wingers, risk-takers, romantics, rope bunnies…

…sages, satirists, scatterbrains, scientists, sci-fiers, scoundrels, scriptwriters, seamstresses, secularists, self-proclaimed stereotypes…

…sexworkers, shitlords, singer-songwriters, sissies, SJWs, skeptics, smartasses, snapchatters, snowflakes, stalkers, stoners, storytellers…

…teachers, teenagers, theorists, therapists, thinktanks, thots, toyboys, tradeswomen, transboys+girls, translators, travellers, tree sprites…

…Ted Talkers, t-girls, theys, time-travelers, tokers, tramps, Trekkies, tricksters, trolls, truscum, twats, twinks, twitterbots, typomakers…

…underdogs, undergrads, undressers, unicorns, universities, unorthodoxists, unprofessionals, utilitarians…

…vagrants, vamps, vegans, video-gamers, videographers, Vikings, virtuosos, visual artists, vixens, vloggers, voice artists, voyeurs…

…wanderers, webcammers, web developers, WEIRDOS, whistleblowers, wikis, wishlisters, women’s rights activists, wordsmiths, writers…

gotta admit I’m struggling for words beginning with x