Category Archives: Elsewhat

At the edge of the precipice again

[content warning: misery]

In a few days time, I’ll take the last anti-depressant pill that I’ll ever take. That’s the plan. After 18 years, I have little knowledge of what I’m like as an adult without that chemical intervention, but what I do know is terrifying. I’ve dipped my toe in that cold water a handful of times, each time recoiling after several months because of suffering that wasn’t merely debilitating but outright cognitively intolerable. The difference is that this time I’m going into it very intentionally, gradually, with no expectation that it will be OK, as opposed to whimsically abandoning my medicine in the wake of a positive circumstantial happenstance (such as falling in love – bleurgh!). This time I’ve written notes to my future self, which will be lifelines when I’ve lost my grip on reality. One of my notes simply says: WRITE.

So I’m starting now, before I go over the edge. I predict from experience that in some months’ time I’ll be looking back on these weeks where I experienced sorrow, anger, frustration and being a twat to people, and miss the richness of that humanity. At some point my emotions will be simplified into a binary distinction: fear and hope, with hope shrinking to a tiny, bright speck on the horizon and fear loitering as a heavy black cloud over everything else, billowing all over my inside surfaces, following me into every chamber of my mind to poison my memories and beliefs.

Why would I embark on this dark plunge just in time for the coming of winter? I don’t know…there’s a harmony to it. My usually-bleak January will be one of the bleakest ever, but who knows, I might discover a new self with the coming of spring and its healing powers.

I’m doing this publicly because I hope some people will find it useful or fascinating to observe my misery, and also because I want to feel held accountable for my intention to WRITE. I have been known to scribble occasional humorous poems about dr*gs, consciousness and suffering…

So let’s see where this goes!

Post script… while exploring my options in WordPress before hitting the ‘publish’ button, I clicked on the ‘AI assistant’ option which can “check for mistakes and verify the tone of your post before publishing”. How could I resist? This is what it came up with.

As someone who’s childishly excited by Large Language Model driven text generation, I felt an emotional thrill as I saw this response appear before my eyes. (I wonder whether I’ll remain capable of experiencing this thrill over the coming months? In my experience my curiosity is one of the last pillars to fall, along with my dark sense of humour.) To witness an inanimate system display nuanced comprehension skills on something I wrote is a strange new feeling – especially when it’s something personal which I wrote through gritted teeth and just threw out there into the world. I’m definitely going to be doing some fun experiments to test the limits of this tool with creative writing.

Anyway, addressing the WordPress bot’s suggestion that I add more information, I should make it quite clear, if I haven’t already, that I highly disrecommend quitting antidepressants suddenly or without telling anyone that’s what you’re doing. It’s especially important with Venlafaxine to taper off gradually, because its half life is so short and its withdrawal effects can be particularly severe (and weird).

It’s also my opinion that if you start antidepressants your doctor should help you form a plan to get off them. When I was first trying to persuade those around me that antidepressants were the right thing for me, I claimed that they would be like footholds to help me get out of a deep well. It was a persuasive metaphor, but all it really meant was that I hoped I’d get better. I had not the slightest plan beyond being medicated, or a vision of what a better me would mean besides feeling less pain. Over the years I began to recite the platitude that “antidepressants are like insulin for a diabetic person”, and when I said it people nodded and didn’t argue, and I also nodded firmly and sympathetically when others said it to me about their own antidepressant use. But I no longer believe it’s a helpful analogy. I’m starting to strongly believe that nobody needs to expect to be depressive forever. We’ve been sold the notion that depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, and it makes sense at least in so far as the medication makes depressed people less depressed. But even if it is an accurate description of a depressed brain, the chemical imbalance theory doesn’t get to the root of the problem.

I believed for years that I was just one of the unlucky ones, that I had popped out with a genetic disadvantage which I had to accept. (This was slightly more progressive and enlightened than what I might have believed, which was that depression was a sin and that God would be cross with me for not being more grateful.) If you asked me now what I think depression is, I’d call it a maladaptation. Our bodies have the ability to depress themselves, and this can be useful, but for reasons which often may involve early damage as well as how different our modern lives are from the environments in which we evolved, many of us get stuck in ongoing states of suppression and worry.

These are my opinions based on personal experience and what I’ve read. I felt prompted by the WordPress bot to give advice, but the best thing I can really do is document my progress as I go forward. I’ve always wanted to be useful, and by twists of fate, it turns out that my special area of expertise is in being miserable. “If nothing else, I can at least serve as a bad example”, is what it says on a fridge magnet I had.

I was 11 or 12 when one of my teachers took me aside to talk about a self-assessment I’d written about how I was doing at school. “It’s very witty and amusing”, she said, “but I’m concerned that you say you’re depressed”. I can’t remember what I’d written, and I wish I could say that it was the same piece of work where I’d written the title in big bubble writing, and because each letter took so long to write I accidentally wrote ‘ASSMENT’. But that was a completely different time.

The memory springs to mind now, because I’m aware of how important it must have been then and still is, for me to make people laugh about my suffering. If I start to utter a theory about it, I’m taking us a bit further away from the truth. So please take my blog posts as the ramblings that they are, and add as much or as little salt as you like.

To conclude, here is the WordPress AI assistant’s latest ASSMENT of my updated essay, which incorporates a reference to itself, encourages the author to elaborate upon several points, and reiterates its recommendation that I recommend seeking professional recommendations.

I’ve hatched

Trauma, depression, narcissism and growing up

I was a precocious child, but I’ve been slow to bloom as an adult.

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Left-handedness and my discombobulation

I recently had a very odd and profound experience, which I won’t go into yet. It led to a powerful intuition that my left-handedness was related to my long and delayed circadian cycle. I Googled this and immediately saw multiple articles saying there is a correlation!

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current containment crisis content creation contingency

I hope everyone is keeping well. As you’ve likely noticed, many models have turned to content creation to contend with current constraints. I’m no exception, so without further ado, I would like to introduce you to no less than THREE special projects that I’ve been carefully crafting for some time, in ascending order of surprising sexiness.

Over on my Patreon, it’s a positively palatial paradise of pictures: a prolific patchwork of my peculiar predilections, preened to peachy perfection.

Since I launched in 2018, I’ve collaborated with various photographers to create eloquent and colourful art nude, fetish and glamour photosets exclusively for subscribers.

You’ll also find a generous smattering of intriguing, experimental videos steeped in sensuality, focusing on fetishy frivolity, or peeking behind-the-scenes. My speaking voice even emerges once or twice.

I take great pleasure in rolling out regular doses of spontaneous, varied and intimate nude art – prepared, polished and presented with playful precision.

You can also find unseen or rare works from the archives, and full sets from photoshoots simply too abundant to share in full anywhere else. Needless to say, such material has been graciously entrusted to me in each case by the photographer.

And last but not least, my zany digital photomanipulation antics branch into the realm of erotica.

Rebecca Tun on Patreon

Over on OnlyFans, an overflowing fountain of fresh phenomena fascinates an influx of flirtatious followers.

The core content is predominantly the same as that of Patreon, but with sexier videos, story highlights with extra emphasis on glimpses into my life, a bit of kinky banter in messages if you so please, and a lot less of the weird digital artwork.

As a sex-positive, kink-friendly, nature-loving model, my OnlyFans is a space where you can enjoy the more explicit and fetishy side of my creativity. Some of my interests include: feet, feminisation, ageplay, rope, body hair and naturism.


And last but not least, my very special side project, the pornographic work I do with my partner:

Pelegia with a hard G: a precious pixie panther and her prince ragamuffin sharing creative, genuine, romantic erotica. We make beautiful sex videos, sometimes outdoors, sometimes a bit arty, and share regular intimate erotic images.

Pelegia with a Hard G on OnlyFans


…academics, acquaintances, activists, actors…

Looking through some of my old twitter threads and having been struck by a whim, I think I shall turn one of them into a blog post to enjoy it all over again.

Here’s one from the beginning of 2017 when I was getting more into Twitter and revelling in the variety (I like mixed herbs) of the people I found there, and was inspired to alliteration (always a sign of stimulation) in the form of this celebratory ode. It appears that I never quite finished it because the last few letters of the alphabet eluded me. Perhaps rolling it out again will breath new life into it.

As a suggestion, feel free to read this in a hollow, metallic, rhythmic chant with a southern US twang, like a solemn call to arms.

Perhaps you will see yourself represented in the list.

The muse strikes – I’m going to do a thread: alliteratively celebrating the weird beautiful diversity of the humans I follow on Twitter. 

…academics, acquaintances, activists, actors, adversaries, allies, alt-rights, anarchists, animators, antifeminists, artists…

..badass beauties, babes, bands, biographers, biologists, bitches, blockers, boffins, bots, brands, businesses, busybodies… girls, campaigners, capitalists, cartoonists, coders, comedians, conservatives, creatives, critics, crossdressers…

…cam girls, calligraphers, collectors, columnists, commentators, companions, connoisseurs, courtesans, craftsmen, criminals…

…dancers, dank memes, daydreamers, debaters, debunkers, defenders, depressives, designers, developers, directors, dominatrices, doodlers…

…eccentrics, economists, eco-warriors, educators, eggs, egomaniacs, emos, empaths, encouragers, enbies, entertainers, enthusiasts…

…ENTPs, entrepreneurs, environmentalists, escorts, essayists, ethnologists, ethologists, exhibitionists, ex-muslims, extraverts…

…facepainters, faeries, family, fans, fashionistas, fathers, feminists, feminizers, femmes fatales, festivalgoers, fetishists…

…fictional characters, filmmakers, findoms, flirters, forest-dwellers, freelancers, free-speech advocates, free spirits, friends…

…galleries, game developers, gamers, gays, geeks, geniuses, gifmakers, glamour girls, goddesses, goths, greenies, gurls, gynophiles…

…hackers, hairstylists, healers, heathens, hedonists, heterodoxists, hipsters, historians, hobbits, hookers, housewives, humanists…

…iconoclasts, idealists, idols, illustrators, infidels, innovators, instagrammers, intersectionalists, interviewers, INTPs, introverts…

…Jedi knights, Jesus, jetsetters, jewellery makers, jezebels, jibers, jokers, journalists, joyriders, judgers, Jungians, justice warriors…

…Kath and Kim fans, kibitzers, kids, killjoys, kin, kinksters, kittens, knights, knockouts, knowledge-seekers, kooks, kvetches…

…lads, LARPies, leets, lesbians, LGBTQ, liberals, libertarians, libertines, librarians, linguists, logicians, loners, lunatics, lurkers…

…Machiavellians, MAGAs, makeup artists, maniacs, married couples, medievalists, mememakers, meritocrats, metalhead, MRAs, middle-aged men…

…millennials, mistresses, models, mothers, museums, muses, muse-seekers, musicians, mystics…

…narrators, naturists, nerds, neocons, neuroscientists, newbies, night owls, nihilists, nomads, nonprofits, novelists, nudists, nutters…

…observers, obsessives, offensive memes, oglers, online oligarchs, open-sourcers, opportunists, optimists, orators, outlaws, outsiders…

…painters, pansexuals, parodies, pedants, pedos, Pepes, performers, ppl w/ problem personalities, perverts, pessimists, philosophers…

…phonologists, photographers, physicists, poets, pornstars, princesses, procrastinators, professors, provocateurs, psychologists, pundits…

…queans, queens, queers, questioners, quibblers, quippers, Quixotes, quizzes, quotes…

…raconteurs, radicals, radio hosts, ramblers, people called Ranendranath, ranters, rationalists, reactionaries, rebels, reformers, reporters…

…remixers, retouchers, researchers, restorers, reviewers, revolutionaries, riggers, right-wingers, risk-takers, romantics, rope bunnies…

…sages, satirists, scatterbrains, scientists, sci-fiers, scoundrels, scriptwriters, seamstresses, secularists, self-proclaimed stereotypes…

…sexworkers, shitlords, singer-songwriters, sissies, SJWs, skeptics, smartasses, snapchatters, snowflakes, stalkers, stoners, storytellers…

…teachers, teenagers, theorists, therapists, thinktanks, thots, toyboys, tradeswomen, transboys+girls, translators, travellers, tree sprites…

…Ted Talkers, t-girls, theys, time-travelers, tokers, tramps, Trekkies, tricksters, trolls, truscum, twats, twinks, twitterbots, typomakers…

…underdogs, undergrads, undressers, unicorns, universities, unorthodoxists, unprofessionals, utilitarians…

…vagrants, vamps, vegans, video-gamers, videographers, Vikings, virtuosos, visual artists, vixens, vloggers, voice artists, voyeurs…

…wanderers, webcammers, web developers, WEIRDOS, whistleblowers, wikis, wishlisters, women’s rights activists, wordsmiths, writers…

gotta admit I’m struggling for words beginning with x



…I think i’m quite at Cambridge.

Hearing music with subtitles on “I’m Mister Coffee” with Martin Luther King’s “I have a bath”. Too utopian perhaps, but on the toilet I’m going to be prepared to meet inspiration halfway.

‘CBA to Sleep’ read by my Madame Bovary is a breath of special treat.

‘Wittgenstein’s Ladder’ by David Hasselhoff ❤ sounds like a snail who keeps farting and blaming it on Mark Zuckerberg in the seats of doom at an internet cafe in an escalator in with an itty bitty neck.

Fascinating. *does the Spock Sundae*.

Appsolute Jest

I’ve gone a bit quiet recently due to my annual winter hibernation. However, I have been quietly busy at my arts and crafts, including a recent proliferation of digital dabblings. You may have seen some of them sprouting in my feed over the last couple of months. They’ve now outgrown this garden and I’ve relocated them to a nursery of their own.
If you enjoy overwrought maximalist mixed media, unapologetic alternations between joy and disphoria, and the tangled intersection of abstraction and self-portraiture, you might enjoy following my new account on Instagram, appsolutejest.

(Written from Berlin Mitte.)

weather-dependent witterings

my phone started including German words in its autocorrect all of a sudden one day.

it turned my sloppy ‘witterings’ into ‘witterungsbedingt’.

imagine my mild shock when it appeared fully formed before me, unbeckoned, seeming to have flown forth from my frivolously flittering thumb!

self-styled character portraits

funny…just saw that in 2014, I’d said that the reason I didn’t attempt a lot of self-portraits was because I was the one person that I was least in a position to take a photo of. (in just a small note about a selfie.) now, the (improvement and fine-tuning of the) selfie camera on phones has not only made this no longer the case, but it’s almost made the opposite true – at least concerning head and shoulders portraits. we may now be our own most accessible subjects.

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‘These alleys tell of the inner selfdom interpreting loudly at the level of the skin.’

Did you know that I made a website for my mum’s sculpturing?

I recently made a Facebook page too.

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